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dc.contributor.advisorMuflikhati, Istiqlaliyah
dc.contributor.advisorHernawati, Neti
dc.contributor.authorMaidah, Rahmi
dc.description.abstractThe child is family member who needs to be prosperous. Improving the parenting is one of way for achieve of child-well-being. There are two aspects in parenting of children namely time allocation and parenting pattern. This study aimed to analyze parent’s time allocation of parenting, maternal parenting pattern, and school-age child well-being on farm families. The study involved 89 sampels farm families who has child 6–12 years old and still in primary school. The result showed that mother spent her time for parenting average 120.8 minutes (2 hours 1 minute) per day while father spent average 90.6 minutes (1 hour 31 minutes). Only 25.8 percents of mother had a good parenting pattern and 74.2 percents had a good enough. More than half children (53.9%) categorized prosperous and 46.1% children included unprosperous. Based on the test, there was a significant positive correlation between parent’s time allocation of parenting with maternal parenting pattern. Moreover, there was a significant positive correlation between maternal parenting pattern with child well-being. On parent’s time allocation of parenting there was not significant correlation with child well-being.en
dc.titleHubungan Alokasi Waktu Pengasuhan Orang Tua dan Pola Asuh Ibu dengan Kesejahteraan Anak Usia Sekolah pada Keluarga Petanien
dc.subject.keywordtime allocation of parentingen
dc.subject.keywordmaternal parenting patternen
dc.subject.keywordchild well-beingen

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