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dc.contributor.advisorAtmadipoera, Agus S.
dc.contributor.advisorNaulita, Yuli
dc.contributor.authorSeri, Denny Sahala
dc.description.abstractOcean waves such as tides and surface waves affect many activities in marine and coastal area. The purposes of study are to analyze tidal harmonic constituents and wave energy density along with it association with seasonal pattern. Tidal and surface waves measurement held around Sangrawayang, Palabuhanratu using RBR TWR-2050. Recorded data processed utilizing harmonic analysis least square method for tidal wave and distribution and seasonal variability of surface wave. Tidal harmonic analysis show a mixed tides prevailing semidiurnal with Formzahl number is 0.89. Analysis of surface waves shows the wave height ranged between 0.17 - 0.77 meter with dominant period between 10 -15 second categorized as swell. Comparison with Jason-2’s sea surface wave shows there is an association with a seasonal pattern in which the east monsoon wave height trend is higher than the west monsoon.en
dc.titleAnalisis Harmonik Gelombang Pasang Surut dan Gelombang Permukaan di Teluk Palabuhanratuen
dc.subject.keywordseasonal pattern.en
dc.subject.keywordharmonic analysisen
dc.subject.keywordsurface wavesen

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