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dc.contributor.advisorSuparno, Ono
dc.contributor.advisorHermawan, Deded
dc.contributor.authorAstika, Annafi Widya
dc.description.abstractBagasse was the materials that can be used as a raw material for particle board. The problem that occured in bagasse was odor caused by the growth of fungi which appear as a result of the sucrose content in material. The objectives of this research were to find out the effect of soaking and fungicides addition on sucrose levels and fungi colony counts, to obtain best combination of both treatments, and to know the physical properties of bagasse particleboard resulted. Hot and cold soaking and fungicides addition on level 0.000, 0.125, and 0.250 g/L of water used to reduce the levels of sucrose and inhibit fungi growth. Sucrose content test showed that the best treatment was in hot soaking with total sucrose 0.717%. The best total fungal colony test was in fungicide 0.125 g/L with a total value of 0 colony. There was a significant correlation between soaking and fungicide added with the density, water content, water absorbsion, and swelling thickness analysis. The best treatment in the research was in bagasse particleboard with hot soaking treatment and fungicide level 0.125 g/L.en
dc.titlePenurunan Kadar Sukrosa dan Total Koloni Fungi Papan Partikel Ampas Tebu dengan Perendaman Air dan Penambahan Fungisidaen
dc.subject.keywordparticle boarden

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