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dc.contributor.advisorSuroso, Arif Imam
dc.contributor.authorSyaairillah, Hada
dc.description.abstractSuccess of marketing strategies is determined by its ability to draw on the four main elements of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) and determine the STP (segmenting, targeting, and positioning), as well as the ability to build strong brand equity. The Increased in value because of branding on a product called brand equity. The stronger the brand equity of a product, effect its appeal in the eyes of consumers to consume these products which in turn will lead consumers to make repeat purchases so that drove the company to reap profits from time to time. This study was conducted to identify how the relationship or contribution dimensions of brand equity (brand awareness, brand percived quality, and brand loyalty) in building brand equity on cold medicines Mixagrip. The research was conducted at the Bogor Agricultural University in consideration of these BAU’s students are able to represent the diversity of consumers and economic class, which is the main target of marketing this product. This study began in February to March 2013. Primary data were collected through a survey of Mixagrip consumers. The population in this study were S1 students of Bogor Agricultural University. Sampling techniques used in this study was non-probability sampling through a convinience sampling approach with sample of 190 people. To analyze the data in this study using data analysis techniques Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with an alternative method of variance-based or Component-Based SEM-called Partial Least Square (PLS) using SmartPLS version 2.0 software. SEM analysis results showed that the model is able to explain the hypotheses considered by both empirical facts obtained in the field and is a model that can be accepted (close-fit). Structural model parameter estimation results indicate that all dimensions of brand equity has a positive relationship to brand equity. From the results of SEM is known that the dimensions of brand loyalty has the highest contribution, while contributing to the low is awareness dimensions based on loading factor and tests of significance. Managerial implications of this study are: (1) The company needs to maintain customer loyalty by measuring and maintaining customer satisfaction. (2) The company needs to maintain and improve the image quality of the brand with a culture and a commitment to quality products. (3) The company needs to increase consumer brand awareness aspect by expanding the advertising media, such as advertising on mass transportation, to sponsor events/ activities that fits target consumers and product campaigns on social media like Facebook and Twitter that involving celebrities or community leaders.en
dc.titleAnalisis Ekuitas Merek Obat Flu Mixagrip (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa S1 Institut Pertanian Bogor)en

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