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dc.contributor.advisorIskandar, Ade
dc.contributor.authorAl Rasyid, Muhammad Harun
dc.description.abstractEgg powder are preserved dry raw egg in powder form to reduce the water content of the egg. Such preservation can be beneficial, because the volume were reduced, simplified the transportation, and extend storability. Egg powder were usually used by food and non food industries. All egg powder used by the industries were mostly imported. The scope of this study includes market analysis and marketing, technical analysis and technology, management analysis and aspects of the organization, and financial analysis. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data were the result of stakeholder interviews and direct observation in the field. Secondary data were obtained from company reports, news articles and statistics data. The establishment of egg powder industry will be set up in Bogor with a production capacity that produce 1.017 kg yolk egg powder and 494 kg albumen egg powderper day. The purpose of this research was to make a feasibility study of egg powder industry in Bogor City so it can provide proper representation to the owners of capital or investor.en
dc.titleStudi Kelayakan Industri Tepung Telur di Kota Bogoren
dc.subject.keywordfeasibility studyen
dc.subject.keywordegg powderen

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