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dc.contributor.advisorAgus, Syamsul Bahri
dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Vincentius P.
dc.contributor.authorRiza, Ahmad Ibnu
dc.description.abstractThe land potential for pond aquaculture in Batang has not mapped optimally. The objectives of this study are to map a potential area and designing eco-friendly pond aquaculture coastal of Batang, Central Java. Such spasial data processing method was used for this study. Spasial analysis used overlay techniques, criterias consists of some physical parameters included soil type, soil texture, slope of land, land usage, distance from shore, and distance from river. Quantitative assessment was done for degree of land suitability with scoring and weighting factors each parameter. Designing eco-friendly pond aquaculture was conducted for analysis spatial planning in Batang that consider several factors, are water supply, land contours, border of coastal and rivers, outlet and inlet which accordance to the actual condition. The area potential zones for pond aquaculture in Batang coastal are categori in three group very appropriate 8855.44 Ha, appropriate 4381.96 Ha, and not appropriate 18952.90 Ha. Based on the results were obtained, sub-district of Batang, Subah, Gringsing are the most suitable zone for pond aquaculture in Batang coastal.en
dc.titlePenentuan Potensi Kesesuaian Lokasi Perikanan Budidaya Tambak Ramah Lingkungan di Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengahen
dc.subject.keywordspatial analysisen
dc.subject.keywordBatang coastalen

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