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dc.contributor.advisorSyamsun, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorPratiwi, Annisa Rizki
dc.description.abstractRaw material inventory control are used to manage the use of raw materials in order for optimal usage, so there is no shortage or excess raw materials led to an increase in the cost of supplies. PT Citra Abadi Sejati manufacture jeans with trademark J.Jill Slim Pant Leg Boyfriend Jeans ordered by an American buyer The J.Jill. To optimize the inventory of raw materials used in the calculation using the ABC Analysis and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method by using POM software for windows 3. ABC analysis calculation based on of the eleven constituent raw materials, there are two materials that are in category A, fabric (denim cloth) and interlining woven fusible fabric. The calculation of total cost of the overall raw materials supplies to both of the raw material and use the EOQ method with the help of POM software, amounting to RP 1 935 243 820, the value is smaller than the calculation of the company amounting to Rp 1 961 432 750, so that companies can make savings amounting Rp 26 188 930 in one year.en
dc.titleAnalisis Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku pada Industri Pakaian Jadi di PT Citra Abadi Sejati Unit Cileungsien
dc.subject.keywordMethods Of EOQen
dc.subject.keywordABC Analysisen

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