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dc.contributor.advisorRahmawati, Siti
dc.contributor.authorSuciaty, Tiara
dc.description.abstractCompany needs to create a strategy to make the employees satisfy and give a positive impact for the company. One of them is the right compensation. The aims of this research are (1) Discover the implementation of financial compensation according to the contract employees of PT ULBC, (2) Discover the contract employee's performance of PT ULBC, (3) Identify the relation of financial compensation with the contract employee performance of PT ULBC. The data from the primary and secondary data. This research uses Pearson Product Moment correlation analysis. Based on the perception of employees about financial compensation and contract employee performance show that financial compensation and contract employee are suitable with their hopes. The results of correlation between financial compensation with contract performance employee is 0.813 shows a positive and strong relation. It means that, financial compensation can increasing the performance of PT ULBC’s contract employeeen
dc.titleHubungan Kompensasi Finansial dengan Kinerja Karyawan Kontrak PT Unilever Body Care Indonesia Tbken
dc.subject.keywordPT Unilever Body Care Indonesiaen
dc.subject.keywordEmployee Performanceen
dc.subject.keywordFinancial Compensationen

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