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dc.contributor.advisorFauzi, Anas Miftah
dc.contributor.authorM Syafruddin Budi S
dc.description.abstractTanning industry processes rawhide to produce leather in which this process results in by products as well as liquid and solid wastes. Cleaner production could be implemented as a preventive method that can reduce waste formation. Logistic chain related to this tanning process are breeder, slaughter house, rawhide trader, and the tanning industry. This research aimed to identify the input, output and generated waste, the cleaner production options that can be applied to the logistic chain, and to determine the role of society on the implementation of cleaner production. The methods used in this study were quick scan of logistic chains and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The best cleaner production option in raw material preparation is socialization to the butcher and farmers. While that in the main process are arranging stage of fleshing process to be conducted before soaking process, reuse of soaking and chrome waste, converting powder and feather waste to be construction materials, applying Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management and setting screen above molen machine. AHP result showed that industry and the environment is the most important actor and factor respectively. The best selected option of cleaner production is recycling chrome waste in tanning process. The role of community in the implementation of cleaner production includes complying the OHS procedure for workers and warning the company to comply the environment.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectAnalytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)en
dc.subjectlogistic chainen
dc.subjectcleaner productionen
dc.subjectTanning industryen
dc.titleMempelajari Peran Rantai Logistik dan Masyarakat Sekitar dalam Implementasi Produksi Bersih di Industri Penyamakan Kulien

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