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dc.contributor.advisorMulyono, Rini Herlina
dc.contributor.advisorBaihaqi, M.
dc.contributor.authorIrvandri, Muhammad
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research was to evaluated the differences among morphometric characteristics of Thin-Tailed, Batur, Wonosobo and Garut (fighting and meat types) ewes. Variables be observed were shoulder height, hip height, body lenght, chest width, chest depth, hip width, rump width, rump length, metatarsus length, metacarpus length and cannon circumference. Number of sheep be observed were 79 heads. The data was analyzed with T2-Hotelling test, fisher discriminan analysis, Wald-anderson and D2-Mahalanobis minimum distance. Discriminator variable between Batur vs Garut meat type was cannon circumference, Batur vs Garut fighting type was shoulder height and cannon circumference, Batur vs Wonosobo was hip width, Thin-Tail vs Batur was body length, Thin-Tailed vs Garut meat type was shoulder height, Thin-Tailed vs Garut fighting type was shoulder height, Thin-Tailed vs Wonosobo was body length, chest width, hip width, rump width , rump length, Wonosobo vs Garut meat type was hip width. Unsimilarity distance between Batur and Garut meat ewes, type was 4.058, Batur and Garut fighting type was 2.278, Thin-Tailed and Batur was 3.950, Thin-Tailed and Garut meat type was 2.758, Thin-Tailed and Garut fighting type was 2.921, Thin-Tailed and Wonosobo was 4.748, Wonosobo and Garut meat type was 2.204. Thin-Tailed was separated from the others. Wonosobo formed a group together with Garut. Garut fighting and meat types was not separated because it was a group of Garut Sheep. Garut and Wonosobo formed one group that separated from Batur.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectlocal ewesen
dc.subjectdiscriminant analysisen
dc.subjectbody size discriminatoren
dc.titleAnalisis Diskriminan Ukuran Tubuh Betina pada Domba Ekor Tipis Batur Wonosobo dan Garuten

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