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dc.contributor.advisorPanca Dewi MHK
dc.contributor.authorMujib, Dhiah Fariza
dc.description.abstractTofu waste water containing organic material out of complex as well as carbon and N is high. This will reduce the level of water quality and ultimately have a negative impact on aquatic ecosystems. Liquid tofu waste have a great potential to used as liquid organic fertilizer due to the nutrition contents that needed by plants. The objective of this research was to evaluate the quality of liquid fertilizer from liquid tofu waste. In this research use different ratios of 90%:10% (L90K10); 70%:30% (L70K30); and 50%:50% (L50K50). The variables of liquid fertilizer observed consist of pH, organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), phosphor (P), kalium (K), mangan (Mn), ferrum (Fe), and C/N ratio. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and any significant differences were further tested using Tukey’s. The results showed that the treatments did not significantly affect (P>0.05) pH, Organic-C, Total-P, K, C/N ratio, Mn, Fe, and the treatments are significantly affect (P>0.05) Total-N.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectliquid organic fertilizeren
dc.subjectliquid tofu wasteen
dc.subjectcattle fecesen
dc.titleKualitas Pupuk Organik Cair dari Campuran Limbah Cair Tahu dan Kotoran Sapi.en

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