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dc.contributor.advisorYamin, Mohamad
dc.contributor.advisorAstuti, Dewi Apri
dc.contributor.authorZebua, Cipta Kasih Novilita
dc.description.abstractGarut ewes are small ruminants that have the prolific genetic potential to be developed as Good Farming Practice. The genetic potential must be supported by a good quality of feed. Sunflower seed oil which has advantages as a source of linoleic fatty acids that can improve reproductive efficiency. Behavior is one of the important aspects related to maintenance management and handling of livestock that need to know the effect of feed to animal welfare. The purpose of this research was to identify and evaluate the lamb behavior of garut after born with addition sun flower seed oils. The number of observation were 18 of sheep. Experiment research consists of TL0 (control), TL4 (4% addition of sunflower seed oil), and TL6 (6% addition of sunflower seed oil). This research used completely randomized design, the data were analyzed by ANOVA, and significantly different data using Tukey test. Parameter behavior measured were standing first time, suckling first time, suckling duration first time, suckling frequency, vocal frequency, laying frequency, standing frequency, moving of tail frequency, and scramble nipples especially for twins. The results showed standing and suckling first time, vocal, standing, moving of tail was significantly affect (P<0.05) on treatment. The addition of sunflower oil by 4% and 6% affected behavior of lamb garut after bornen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectsun flower seed oien
dc.subjectlamb garuten
dc.titleTingkah Laku Anak Domba Garut Setelah Lahir Yang Diberi Minyak Biji Matahari Dalam Ransum Induknyaen

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