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dc.contributor.advisorHubeis, Musa
dc.contributor.authorSonalia, Devi
dc.description.abstractQuality control (QC) is the measurement of product performance, comparing with the standards and specifications of the product, and make a corrections if there is a deviation. A product has the quality if in accordance with established quality standards or determined. The scope of the standard covers the quality of raw materials, production processes and finished products. The purpose of this study are : (1) Analyze the Quality Control on the production process in SME of Tahu Bambu, SME of Tahu Bandung Ashor and SME of Tahu Bandung; (2) Identify the factors which cause damage of Tofu in SME of Tahu Bambu, SME of Tahu Bandung Ashor and SME of Tahu Bandung; (3) Identify the most influence factor the quality of the SME of Tahu Bambu, SME of Tahu Bandung Ashor and SME of Tahu Bandung; (4) Assess the QC on the production process in the three units of SMEs Tofu controlled or not. The data that used in this study are secondary and primary data. Primary data obtained through direct observation and interviews to the SMEs by purposive sampling, while the secondary data obtained from the internet and literature such as books, journals and theses. Analysis tools used in this study are Pareto Diagram, Cause and Effect Diagram and Control Chart. Furthermore, Cause and Effect diagram is known that the factors that affect damage in three SMEs of Tofu i.e men, materials, machines and tools, methods and environment with the main cause of Tofu production process based on Pareto diagram analysis is unsuccessfull process of cutting. QC of the SME of Tahu Bambu and SME of Tahu Bandung were analyzed using p Control chart show controlled, but in SME of Tahu Bandung there is one (1) lack of control.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectControl charten
dc.subjectPareto charten
dc.subjectCause and effect diagramen
dc.subjectQuality controlsen
dc.titlePengendalian Mutu pada Proses Produksi di Tiga Usaha Kecil Menengah Tahu Kabupaten Bogoren

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