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dc.contributor.advisorAminah, Mimin
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Meilati Dwi
dc.description.abstractAromatic rice is the type of rice that has a distinct aroma to other rice in general. The brand competition of rice in the Giant Taman Yasmin Bogor is very tight so it needed a way to maintain market by building strong brand equity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the elements of brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty of aromatic rice “Si Pulen” brand and “Holistic Super Organic” brand. Results of the analysis indicate that brand equity of “Si Pulen” is in the position of top of mind while “Holistic Super Organic” is in the position of brand recall. Of the 9 associations used in this study, “Si Pulen” has only 6 brand image in the eyes of consumers, whereas brand “Holistic Super Organic” has 5 associations forming the brand image. In the alnalysis of the perceived quality, “Si Pulen” is more superior to “Holistic Super Organic”. On the analisys of brand loyalty, both brands still have a low loyalty. At the level of liking the brand and committed buyer, the loyalty pyramid has narrowed.en
dc.description.abstractBeras aromatik adalah beras yang memiliki aroma yang berbeda dengan beras-beras lain pada umumnya. Persaingan merek beras di Giant Taman Yasmin Bogor sangatlah ketat sehingga diperlukan cara untuk mempertahankan pasar dengan membangun brand equity yang kuat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis elemen brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality dan brand loyalty dari beras aromatik merek Si Pulen dan merek Holistic Super Organic. Hasil analisis brand equity menunjukkan bahwa merek Si Pulen menjadi berada pada posisi top of mind sedangkan merek Holistic Super Organic berada pada posisi brand recall. Dari 9 asosiasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, merek Si Pulen hanya memiliki 6 brand image di mata konsumen, sedangkan merek Holistic Super Organic memiliki 5 asosiasi pembentuk brand image. Pada analisis perceived quality merek Si Pulen lebih unggul dibandingkan merek Holistic Super Organic. Dan untuk analisis brand loyalty kedua merek tersebut memiliki loyalitas yang belum cukup baik. Pada tingkat liking the brand dan committed buyer piramida loyalitas semakin mengecil.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectperceived qualityen
dc.subjectbrand loyaltyen
dc.subjectbrand awarenessen
dc.subjectbrand associationen
dc.subjectaromatic riceen
dc.titleAnalisis Brand Equity Beras Aromatik (Studi Kasus Pengunjung Giant Taman Yasmin Bogor)en

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