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dc.contributor.advisorIrwanto, Abdul Kohar
dc.contributor.advisorIndrawan, Raden Dikky
dc.contributor.authorAstria., Nur Latifah
dc.description.abstractYayasan Inisiasi Alam RehabilitasiIndonesia (IAR Indonesia Foundation) is a non profit organization that have been focusing on environmental issues since 2005. The purposes of this research are (a) to analyse the organization strategy of the IAR IndonesiaFoundation; (b) to analyse the priority of the strategic target to achieve the organization’s vision, mission, and organization objectives; (c) to analyse the indicatorsof its performance; and (d) to determinethe managerial implication for the IAR Indonesia Foundation. The result of this research are (a) the environment analysis obtain intensive strategy – product development as an organization strategy that appropiate for the IAR Indonesia Foundation; (b) customer perspective known as the most important perspective of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) analysis, and “Increasing animal welfare” is the most important target of the strategy for the IAR Indonesia Foundation; (c) weighing on 19key performance indicators, and; (d)determiningof managerial implication for IAR Indonesia Foundation.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectbalanced scorecard.en
dc.subjectnon profit organizationen
dc.subjectstrategic managementen
dc.titleAnalisis Penyusunan Strategi dan Implementasi Berbasis Balanced Scorecard pada Yayasan Inisiasi Alam Rehabilitasi Indonesia.en

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