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dc.contributor.advisorSukmawati, Anggraini
dc.contributor.authorNavi’a, Lugina Ilman
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to determine the perceptions of employees about compensation systems in SEAMEO BIOTROP, to determine employee perceptions about the performance of employees who are at SEAMEO BIOTROP and to analyze the relationship between employee performance compensation system in SEMEAO BIOTROP. To analyze the relationship, the data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques and correlation analysis techniques. The analysis technique used was the Rank Spearman correlation analysis. The results of the analysis of the perception of the workers' compensation system of civil servants and non-civil servants in SEAMEO BIOTROP are in a good range where the indicators were rated highest compensation system on employee of civil servants is the bonus indicator of job performance with a value that is 4.52 and for non-civil service employees are indicator leave policy and permit the employee to the value that is 4.06. Analysis of employee perceptions of the performance of civil servants and non-civil service employees at SEAMEO BIOTROP has been on a good range where performance indicators are rated best by employees is an indicator of the performance of the civil service with a value that is 4.43, while for non-civil service employees is a loyalty to the value that is 4 , 04. The results of the analysis of the correlation between compensation systems and employee performance both civil servants and non-civil servant at the SEAMEO BIOTROP have a real relationship, positive and moderate correlation. Where the highest compensation system has a fairly strong degree of relationship to the performance of the employees, especially the bonus indicator for the performance of the correlation value is 0.342.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAnalisis Hubungan Sistem Kompensasi Finansial dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan di SEAMEO BIOTROP Bogoren

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