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dc.contributor.advisorSuryani, Ani
dc.contributor.authorSangun, M. Arifyandi
dc.description.abstractFractionation of palm olein biodiesel using fractional distillation system is used to separate dominant methyl palmitic (C16) with dominant methyl oleic (C18:1). This biodiesel fraction contains dominant of methyl oleic (C18:1), has a good characteristic in lower cloud point that possibly be applicated as a fuel in four season country. Bentonite are used in this research with the view of its usefulness in lowering viscosity and acid number. The purpose of this study is to obtain the best characteristics of biodiesel as a fuel appropriate to the biodiesel standard, and to obtain the best bentonite concentration used to improve the unappropriate parameter. This study was conducted using completely randomized design. Biodiesel quality improvement is done by using experimental factor of bentonite concentration (1%, 3%, and 5%). The use of bentonite experimentally could lowering acid number and kinematic viscosity. Compared to the blank (control), biodiesel with 1% of bentonite concentration could give the best result in lowering kinematic viscosity.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectdominant methyl oleic (C18:1)en
dc.subjectpalm olein biodieselen
dc.titlePerbaikan Mutu Biodiesel Hasil Proses Fraksinasi dengan Kandungan Metil Oleat (C18:1) Dominan untuk Penerapannya sebagai Bahan Bakaren

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