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dc.contributor.advisorHubeis, Musa
dc.contributor.authorSyafitri., Novi
dc.description.abstractCooperation Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil (BMT) that is on of type financial institution non banking in mikro scale with base of system syariah. Which of product fund can sale by cooperation it funding product, lending product, social product and tabaru’ product, that is zakat, infaq, shadaqah, wakaf and hibah. Cooperation BMT Muamalat it must can do adaptation with environmentally and to create on correct of marketing strategy, it can to able with other financial institution in Indonesia. That’s like of new banking can start and taking a micro sector and rentenir. The research of target is : (1) To identifying a internal environment can be strength and feebleness cooperation BMT Muamalat; (2) To identifying a eksternal environment it can be to becoming opportunity and threat cooperation BMT Muamalat; (3) To draft a good alternative of marketing strategy at cooperation BMT to increase a volume sale of product fund cooperation BMT. This research is has been done in cooperation BMT Muamalat, North Bogor and the database can be used consisted of data primary and secondry. The data of primary is obtained from result of direct interview and spreading of quesioner to manager cooperation. A lot of respondent can take to fill a quesioner determination assessment and rating of factor a internal strategy and external cooperation BMT Muamalat it’s five respondents. While the data secondary has been from bibliography study, internet and literature of related to research. From the result of data processing with matrix IFE and EFE it’s have got (2,52) value for internal factor and (2,63) value for external factor, cooperation BMT Muamalat beside above of mean (2,5) value. At analysis matrix IE it can be know position cooperation BMT Muamalat it can be at kuadran V, so alternative of strategy can be applied it’s a penetration strategy of market, product development strategy and internal consolidation. From calculating the result QSPM, its have got three alternative of strategy it can be choice of special strategy that is product development strategy with total value TAS 5,149, second choice of strategy its internal consolidation with total value TAS 5,033 and then the last choice strategy is penetration strategy of market with total value TAS 5,0.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAnalisis Strategi Pemasaran Produk Dana Koperasi Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil Muamalat Di Perumnas Bantarjati Bogor Utara.en

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