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dc.contributor.advisorHermawan, Aji
dc.contributor.advisorSa’id, E. Gumbira
dc.contributor.authorPratama, Shanty Raharjo
dc.description.abstractGambier is a dried extract from the leaves and twigs of Uncaria gambier (Hunter) Roxb plants. Gambier is one of Indonesian export products which generates foreign exchange for the country. The most demanded component are catechins and tannins. In general, catechin are used in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and beverage industry. Tannins are widely used as leather tanning, industrial adhesives, industrial paint and dye. The potential demand of catechins and tannins are calculated based on the demand of potential users of multiple products. Based on the calculation, the catechin and tannin potential market involve around 1.090 tons per year for catechin and 207 tons per year for tannin. That amounts are estimated values of some product users, so the potential market value of catechin and tannins is greater. The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of the establishment of catechin and tannin industry. The scope of research includes studies of market and marketing, technical and technological, management, environment and legality, and financial aspects. The catechin and tannin industry is planned to be located in Bogor Ciawi considering the conditions that supports of infrastructure, human resource availability, ease of access to markets and production support facilities. Factory production capacity is 10,9 tons of catechin per year and 24,51 tons of tannin. Raw materials that used are gambier from the Lima Puluh Kota regency which has a stable supply of raw materials. This industry needs 40 workers with their respective job descriptions. It produces wastes in solid, liquid, and gas, but the numbers are relatively small and still below the threshold standard for the environment. The amount of investment needed is Rp Rp12.079.053.600,- consist of fixed investment cost Rp 8.374.740.000,- and working capital cost Rp 3.704.313.600,-. The NPV value is Rp 67.196.856.477, -. The IRR is 86,11 percent. The Net value of B / C is 6,56.The Payback period is 1,62 years. The financial analysis showed that the industry is feasible to set up.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleKajian Tekno Ekonomi Pendirian Industri Katekin dan Tanin dari Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb).en

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