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dc.contributor.advisorHermawan, Aji
dc.description.abstractJob evaluation is a systematic procedure for defining the relative worth or size of jobs within an organization. The output of this evaluation is an input for designing pay structure. The most popular method of the evaluation is a point factor method. It can give an accurate output because it is an analytical method and it uses compensable factors. But, it needs much time to complete it manually. Therefore, the aim of this study is to design a job evaluation system and to verify the system at PG. Djombang Baru. The factory is a sugar processor and plantation, which is a sample of agroindustrial company and has various jobs to be analysed. Designing a job evaluation system with point factor method needs some steps, including identify factors, analising job, testing choosen compensable factors, weighting factors, and developing scoring. In this study, the compensable factors were identified from literature reviews, also the job analysis were. The factors were then tested in the job structure available in the company. The choosen factors were weighted using AHP. Finally, the factors were developed using Davis and Werther’s formula (1996) which uses 1.000 points as maximum. The Results of the study show that there are twenty factors that commonly used in the job evaluation system. The factors and the definition are valid because they have different criteria to assessing the job worth. From the weighting and the scoring steps, the highest score is achived by “administratur” and the lowest score is “anggota komandan regu”. The results of job evaluation is valid if compared with the job structure in the company. Therefore, the system appropriate to be used as a job evaluation system in the sugar company.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleDesain Sistem Evaluasi Jabatan Untuk Pabrik Gula Dengan Metode Point Factoren

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