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dc.contributor.advisorPandji, Chilwan
dc.contributor.advisorSunarti, Titi Candra
dc.contributor.authorSinaga, Wenny Silvia Loren Br
dc.description.abstractThe fruit of breadfruit tree is one alternative carbohydrate source in Indonesia. Breadfruits is an important energy food contain starch and sugar, and usually consume as fresh fruit. However, breadfruit is seasonal crop and sometimes the crops are so plentiful that it can not be eaten fresh. To prevent waste, it was preserved in different way including drying. Flour from breadfruit can be used as important food for all seasons. Breadfruit flour has many limitations since it is difficult to be solubilized and swollen in cold water. The flour is modified physically by pregelatinization to improve its properties. Pragelatinized breadfruit flour can be used as instant food, porridge, and baby food. This research is aimed to investigate the effect of slurry concentration and contact time of the slurry on the drum. The process is conducted using double drum dryer with temperature of plate is 80±5C. Twenty and 30% of slurry were poured into drum with different rotation speed (4, 6 and 8 rpm). Each flour is characterized its chemical composition and physico-chemical properties. Generally pregelatinization did not influence to the chemical composition. Pregelatinization of the flour improved the water solubility and swelling power on room (30C) and hot (70C) solutions, reduced the freeze-thaw stability, caused partial gelatinization which is monitored by losing the birefringence of starch granule, and darkened the flour. The pregelatinized flour also reduced gelatinized temperature and had low final viscosity. Low concentration of slurry and low rotation speed of drum increased the gelatinized part of the flour, which is influenced to the cold and hot water solubility.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleProduksi Tepung Sukun (Artocarpus altilis) Pragelatinisasien

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