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dc.contributor.advisorUdin, Faqih
dc.contributor.advisorYuliasih, Indah
dc.contributor.authorNabila, Yusra
dc.description.abstractIn line with the change in people’s lifestyle in terms of serving food in a time-saving manner, the need for ready-made cooking flavors has also increased, especially in the form of pasta cooking spices. The demand for the pasta spice for chicken processing is increasing along with the increase in consumption of chicken. Chicken flavor used is processed with the stir-fry method. Heating mode and the appropriate types of packaging can minimize changes in pasta flavor quality during storage. Prediction of shelf life aimed to find out the shelf life of pasta spice fried chicken in certain condition. Determination of product shelf life was done with ASS (Accelerated Storage Studies) method using environmental condition parameter which enabled to accelerate degradation process of quality of food product. The right packaging and storage were expected to increase shelf life and maintained deterioration rate of pasta spice fried chicken. The purpose of this study was to find out a quality change in fried chicken pasta spice during storage and determine the shelf life of the pasta spice with the Arrhenius method. Fried chicken pasta spice used was a mixture of shallots, garlic, ginger, turmeric, galangal, pepper, coriander, sugar and salt that had been sorted, stripped, washed, weighed, ground, mixed, and stir-fried. In this study, the packaging used was a combination of nylon and LLDPE and LLDPE, and PET. Storage temperatures were 30° C, 35° C and 45° C. Time of storage in this study was two months. Analysis performed includeed the analysis of ash content, water content, protein content, fiber content, pH, free fatty acid content, fat content, grade VRS, the total microbial, and sensory evaluation analysis. Based on the research, it was found out that the best ingredients in the product selection of the most right thing to do with chemical analysis and storage based on panelists acceptance test were flavor with carrageenan ratio factor 1:05% and 0.15% CMC. Deterioration during storage could be seen from the rate of the increase or decrease in trend that occurred in each of the parameters such as water content, VRS, free fatty acid levels, and total microorganisms. The results showed that during the storage moisture content increased along with the increase in storage temperature. Increased water content was caused by the permeability of the packaging, the water absorption properties, and environmental humidity. Packaging that could maintain the water content was PET + LLDPE. VRS during storage levels decreased in line with rising temperatures. VRS level decreased due to the evaporation of volatile materials contained in the pasta spice fried chicken. Packaging that could maintain the levels of VRS was the PET + LLDPE. Free fatty acid content during storage increased with increasing temperatures. Increased free fatty acids caused the formation of peroxide compounds due to hydrolysis process acids and saturated fatty-acid oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. Packaging that could maintain the levels of free fatty acids was the Nylon + LLDPE.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePengolahan Bumbu Pasta Ayam Goreng dan Perubahan Mutunya Selama Penyimpanan.en

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