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dc.contributor.authorKurniawan., Romy
dc.description.abstractOne of the ways to process mackerel is transform mackerel into cracker product. Processing mackerel into cracker product is one of effort to handle the short shelf life of mackerel. This research intent for getting data of mackerel cracker change quality with Polyprophylene (PP) packaging material and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) on different storage temperature during certain time period and determine shelf life remainder on different pack and storage temperature. Quality parameter that has been tested in this reserch to determine the shelf life remainder of a product were moisture content, crispnes, abd free fatty acid content. Critical point was conducted in hedonic test on panelist, the points as follows : critical moisture content (4,5%), critical crispness (1,1 N), and the critical of free fatty acid content (0,928%). The moisture content of mackerel cracker during storage was increased on two kind of packaging. Increased rate (k) of moisture content for mackerel cracker (temperature of 25oC) in PP packaging material is 0,0506% per day and for HDPE packaging material is 0,0578% per day. The crispness of mackerel cracker related to moisture content value. The value of hardness was increasing during storage. The value of crispness was decreasing in order to the increasing value of hardness. The decreased rate (k) of crispness for meckerel cracker (temperature of 25oC) in PP packaging material is 0,0113 N per day and for HDPE packaging material is 0,0176 N per day. The free fatty acid content of mackerel cracker during storage was increased on two kind of packaging. Increased rate (k) of free fatty acid content for mackerel cracker (temperature of 25oC) in PP packaging material is 0,0045% per day and for HDPE packaging material is 0,0050% per day. The critical parameter from the mackerel crisps shelf life remainder estimation was crispness. The shelf life remainder based on that critical parameter was 58 days for mackerel cracker in PP pack and 37 days for mackerel cracker in HDPE pack. From the data could be known that mackerel cracker has shorter shelf life remainder than shelf life that atthaced by producer, which is 3 months.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePendugaan Sisa Umur Simpan Kerupuk Ikan Tenggiri (Cybium commersoni) di Pasaran.en

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