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dc.contributor.advisorRusli, Meika Syahbana
dc.contributor.advisorPurwanto, Wahyu
dc.contributor.authorYulianti., Novi Puspita
dc.description.abstractTemulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) belongs to the plant family Zingiberaceae which have various benefits. Sidik et al (1995) described that temulawak can be used as anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, medicine for many disease like hipokolesterolemia, disorders of liver function, improved gastrointestinal function, for anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, and as anti-acne. Those benefits are related to active components of temulawak rhizhome. Curcuminoids and xanthorrhizol are predicted as components that provides pharmacological effects of temulawak rhizomes. Curcuminoids is the pigment that gives yellow color to temulawak, while xanthorrhizol is one component of the essential oil of temulawak. Temulawak is usually prepared as rhizome slices, powder, oleoresin, and essential oil. Temulawak in form of rhizome slices or powder has some weaknesses, such as bulky, easily to have color and flavor defect caused by climate change, easily contaminated by foreign material and microorganism, slowly produce of active component in the stage application and not completely extracted, and the final product have spots or strain that caused by the rhizome particles (Ravindran et al, 2007). To avoid these weaknesses, temulawak can be processed into temulawak oleoresin. Oleoresin is defined as a mixture of resin and volatile oil extracted from various kinds of herbs, either from the fruit, seeds, leaves, bark, and rhizomes by using organic solvents (Glibertson, 1971). In the process of extraction using this solvent, there are several factors that can affect the extraction efficiency and effectiveness. These factors include the type and concentration of solvent, solvent volume, extraction temperature, and size of the extracted material In this research, extraction temperature and solvent volume were observed to determine their effect on xanthorrhizol content of temulawak oleoresin. The effects of these factors were measured on yield of oleoresin, curcumin content, volatile oil content, solvent residu and the refractive index of the oleoresin. Extraction temperature applied in the experiments were three levels, 30 oC, 40 oC and 50 oC. The solvent volume factor is indicated by the ratio of raw materials to solvent. This study observed three levels of ratio, 1:4, 1:6, and 1:8 using 100 grams of temulawak powder as the ratio basis. Preparation prior to extraction process includes rhizome slicing, drying, and grinding to the size of 60 mesh. Temulawak powder was extracted by stirred maceration using ethanol 96% for four hours, followed by conditioning in room temperature for 24 hours. Temulawak extract was then separated from the solid waste by filtration. The evaporation to remove the solvent from the oleoresin finally conducted using a rotary vacuum evaporator at temperature of 50oC. The yields of temulawak oleoresin are in the range of 9.40% - 17.77% (w / w). The curcumin content is 1.11 to 3.88%, the essential oil content is 3,64 - 11.43%, the xanthorrhizol content equal to peak percentage area of 1.26 - 42.82%, the solvent residu in the oleoresin is 40.950 – 63.750 ppm, and the refractive index value (20/20oC) is ranged from 1.4817 to 1.5198. Statistical analysis of variance at 95% confidence level was used to determine the influence of extraction temperature and raw material-solvent ratio on yield and other experiments parameters. The result showed that extraction temperature and raw material-solvent ratio significantly influenced the concentration of essential oil. Increasing temperature resulted in increasing levels of essential oil contained in temulawak oleoresin. Duncan's test results further showed that the temperature of 50 °C gives a significantly different effect than the temperature of 30 °C and 40 °C. The increase in raw material-solvent ratio resulted in decreased content of essential oil. Duncan's test results further showed that the extraction using the ratio of 1:8 produces the essential oil content lower than 1:4 and 1:6 ratios. Peak percentage area of Xanthorrhizol is only influenced by extraction temperature, while the ratio of raw material to solvent does not have a significant influence. Increasing extraction temperature resulted in decreased peak percentage area of xanthorrhizol. At extraction temperature of 50°C the xanthorrhizol peak percentage area is extremely low. The xanthorrhizol is presumed to be destructed at this temperature. Raw material-solvent ratio affected significantly the yield and value of the refractive index of temulawak oleoresin, while the extraction temperature has no effect on that parameters. Increasing the volume of solvent resulted in increasing oleoresin yield. However, increasing the raw material-solvent ratio resulted in a decline of the refractive index of oleoresin. Duncan further test results for these parameters indicate that the ratio of 1:8 gave significantly different results than the ratio of 1:4 and 1:6. Extraction temperature and raw material-solvent ratio does not influence the curcumin content and solvents residu. Curcumin has a good solubility in ethanol, so the ratio of 1:4 and temperature 30 ° C was able to extract large amounts of curcumin.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePengaruh Nisbah Bahan Baku – Pelarut dan Suhu Ekstraksi terhadap Kandungan Xanthorrhizol dalam Oleoresin Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorhiza roxb.).en

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