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dc.contributor.advisorHerlina, Lien
dc.contributor.authorKhaeriyyah, Nadiyah
dc.description.abstractType of consumption changed quickly so that it makes some fast food restaurant spring up. It causes tight competition at its category. Therefore, KFC as a player at fast food restaurant category needs to carry out some strategies to win the competition with positioning. Company’s desirable positioning is extended to consumer by marketing mix. Promotion is one of marketing mix that spends a great quantity of cost. Therefore, KFC needs to know about relation between promotion and positioning. Company’s positioning needs to be updated continuously based on market, so hopefully information about consumer perception can assist to widen market share and to create more effective and efficient promotion and to determine appropriate positioning based on consumer’s interest. Fast food restaurant that has a good position in consumer’s mind would be more choose than competitors. The purposes of this research is to identify promotion activities that has been done by company, to analyze consumers brand awareness of fast food restaurant brands, to analyze consumers perception of fast food restaurant positioning attribute, and to analyze promotion influence of KFC’s positioning attribute. Researched-brands are KFC, McD, and A&W. The object of research is 100 people taken from consumers all three brands in Bogor city. Information about KFC’s promotion from the company is used for making survey questionnaire. Brand awareness survey result is analyzed by using descriptive analysis, and consumer’s perception about KFC’s positioning attribute is analyzed using Biplot analysis. Then, the relation between promotion activity and KFC’s positioning is analyzed using Rank Spearman correlation test. Promotion activities of KFC consist of promotion by cashier, low price product package, giving gift every buying of specific product, advertising in many media, sponsorship, CSR, website on internet, and KFC delivery by phone. The highest consumer’s reason to buy KFC’s product are because of the taste of delicious’s food (15,2%) and low price product package (13,9%). The lowest are giving gift every buying of specific product (1,3%) and advertise on TV (5,5%). It shows that KFC’s promotion activities have no influence of consumer’s decision to buy KFC’s product. Based on brand awareness analysis that McD (47%) is the brand has highest percent on Top of Mind (TOM) position. KFC occupy second rating on consumer’s top of mind position. It signs that KFC’s brand awareness level still lower than McD. The result of Biplot analysis shows that consumers positioning KFC as fast food restaurant that has advantage at attribute A (the unique taste of fried chicken), attribute B (product quality), and attribute L (promotion with music identity). McD’s positioning by consumer’s mind as fast food restaurant that has advantage in many attributes. And A&W as fast food restaurant that has no advantage in any attributes. It shows that McD is KFC’s strongest competitor in Bogor city. KFC needs to improve another attribute’s positioning to replace McD position. Rank Spearman correlation test is used to analyze relation between promotion and KFC’s positioning. Based on generated p-value, not all promotion’s activity has significant relation with positioning. Correlation coefficient value (rs) for all promotion that has significant relation with positioning is 0,2 – 0,399, meaning that relation level go into weak category. However, there are two promotion activities that have highest correlation coefficient (rs). They are to advertise on TV and low price product package. It shows that to advertise on TV and low price product package are more effective to influence KFC’s positioning than another promotion has done by KFC.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAnalisis Pengaruh Promosi Terhadap Positioning Restoran Fastfood Merek Kentucky Fried Chicken (Kfc) Di Kota Bogoren

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