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dc.contributor.authorPrawitha., Mitha
dc.description.abstractProduction scheduling is an important element in industry planning production. In the hierarchy of decision making, scheduling is the last step before the commencement of production. Many companies have problems to deliver goods on time, late of work, overtime, and the number of idle workstations. All these will lead to wasteful activities and the high production cost. PT.Gasandry (GS) Bogor is a beverage packaging coffee company. Number of idle time is becoming one of the production scheduling problems. There should be mechanisms of activities to achieve an efficiency and effectiveness of production. Those activities consist of the transformation of raw materials with a particular sequence, use of machinery facilities, equipment and labor. This research is aimed to identify factors associated with the company scheduling and find the best production alternative scheduling model, which is appropriate with the conditions and characteristics of the company. This research is using heuristic method which is developed from the process of arithmetic and mathematical logic. This method is considered as a good method to streamline the production scheduling in PT Gasandry. PT.Gasandry is producing six products, such as ginger coffee milk, coffee milk, coffee mocha, instant coffee, original coffee and sugar ginger. There are three types in the coffee production process. They are milling process, without milling process and packaging process only. The result of this research is production scheduling model that can minimize the idle time. The model was called GSPS 1.0 (Gasandry Production Schedule) which had several models, consisted of product master model, a master model material, model master working days, production needs model, product model in and out of warehouses, enter the material model, material model and message scheduling model. GSPS 1.0 will help the production scheduling easier. For implementation purposes, GSPS 1.0 is an integrated system of a computer program Borland Delphi 7.0 as the software for user interfaces and Ms. Access 2007 as base data. From the result of scheduling that has been made, PT Gasandry will be able to optimize the working time of workers by reducing the number of workers to a maximum of 18 person / days of the initial 30 man / days in average of demand is 22.935 dozen/month. Production scheduling in PT.Gasandry is influenced by product varian, products demand, product tolerance store, production time, and capacity of packaging machinery. Critical factor in the preparation of production scheduling in PT.Gasandry is the capacity of packaging machinery.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleModel Penjadwalan Produksi Di PT. Gasandry, Bogor.en

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