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dc.contributor.advisorUdin, Faqih
dc.contributor.advisorYuliasih, Indah
dc.contributor.authorSejati, Magdalena Kristin
dc.description.abstractSeasoning powder is a mixture of flour and spices. Seasoning powder develops in line with the growth of fast food fried chicken restaurant. High seasoning powder production by industry makes the increasing domestic demand for wheat flour. With an expensive price of wheat flour it is expected that the existence of other commodities as a substitute for wheat flour. One of the local substitute products is cassava which can be used as raw material for making Modified Cassava Flour (MOCAF). MOCAF is a product derived from cassava flour using the principle of modifying the cells of cassava by fermentation. The purpose of this research is to find the best formula for fried chicken seasoning powder, determine its quality changes during storage, and shelf life prediction of fried chicken seasoning powder products based on critical parameters using the Arrhenius method. Fried chicken seasoning powder was made into four different formulas. Formula A (use MOCAF 25%), formula B (use MOCAF 50%), formula C (use MOCAF 75%), and the formula D (use MOCAF 100%). Based on the results of research on the analysis of chemical composition and functional properties of fried chicken seasoning powder, the formulation provides a significantly different effect on water, fat, and protein content of fried chicken seasoning powder. While in the organoleptic test, the formulation provides a significantly different effect on the aroma of fried chicken seasoning powder and color and texture of fried chicken. From the analysis of chemical composition and functional properties and organoleptic test showed that the formula D (use MOCAF 100%) was the best formula. During storage, water content of seasoning powder increased. Likewise for the oil holding capacity and the total number of microbes. While the value of water holding capacity decreased. From all of the tested parameters showed the decreasing quality of fried chicken seasoning powder during storage. In the prediction of shelf life, the water content parameter was used as a critical parameter with initial value of 5.27 % and the critical point of 22.13 %. From the calculation of product shelf life prediction using the Arrhenius method based on critical parameters of water content can be known that the shelf life of fried chicken seasoning powder for PP packaging with a temperature of 30°C was 8 months 27 days, temperature 35°C was 8 months 6 days, at 45°C was 6 months 29 days. While for OPP/VMCPP packaging with temperatures 30°C was 11 months 5 days, temperature 35°C was 10 months 9 days, at 45°C was 8 months 25 days.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleFormulasi dan Pendugaan Umur Simpan Tepung Bumbu Ayam Goreng Berbahan Baku Modified Cassava Flour (MOCAF).en

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