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dc.contributor.advisorHambali, Erliza
dc.contributor.authorPinem, Bernadetha Rodeka
dc.description.abstractSurfactant is a surface active agent that capable to reduce surface and inter- facial tension. One of them that can be developed prospectively is a MES surfactant that can be applied largely as a cleaning agent. This condition based on the oil contain C18 of MES by the jatropha curcas has a detergency nature that can be used as a cleaning agent. Methyl Ester Sulfonates (MES) is the anionic surfactant made from vegetable oil that is now being developed. MES has the similar, or even better than Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonates that is now the most produced anionic surfactant synthesized from petroleum. Jatropha curcas is potential to be developed as MES feedstock because of oil contain and the C18 as a dominant of fatty acid composition. Methyl Ester Sulfonates synthesis can be done by a chemical process of metyl ester as a raw material with SO3 reactant. In this research, preparation of the sample carried out by the reaction of the methyl ester with SO3 at a certain temperature condition with level 100oC and sampling sample in the 3rd period (after 3 hours). The sulfonation process in this research using single tube falling film reactor. Methyl ester input flow rate into the reactor is 100 ml/minute. For the perfect sulfonation, process will be continued by aging process with 80 oC temperature condition and 45 minutes duration. MESA produced in black color which is the main problem in its aplication as a cleaning agent so that the purification process such as bleaching and neutralization process required. The reason of usage the hydrogen peroxide as a bleaching agent because of its nature as a stronger oxidizer and versatile oxidant which is both safe and effective. Afterwards, the proportion of H2O2 consentration to get the best purification process will be undertaken, because of H2O2 addition in the certain concentration will be given the effect to the physic and chemical characteristic of product, so that the best purification condition can be achieved. This research purpose to learn the effect of the H2O2 addition as a bleaching agent in MESA purificaton process of Methyl Ester Sulfonates Acid from Jatropha curcas L applicable to the physic and chemical characteristic of the produced surfactant. Research was begun with the Jatropha seeds pressing until the purification and analysis process. This research using single factorial completely randomized design with two replications. The treatments used are bleaching with 2, 4 dan 6% variation of H2O2 consentration followed by neutralization process so that the neutral surfactant can be produced. From the physic and chemical analysis process of MESA, the neutralized MESA, bleached MESA and bleached-neutralized MESA has an active matter value from 18,94 to 23,47 percent, iodine value from 29,75 to 32,82 mg Iod/g MES, absorbency color percent from 0,27 to 0,52 percent, and pH from 1,11 to 7,15. Performance test shows that the bleaching and the bleaching-neutralization process in 2, 4 and 6% variation of H2O2 consentration have no significant effect in the iodine value, acid number, pH, color and active matter of MESA. The best condition of MES purification process reached at the bleaching process followed by neutralization. The bleaching process with 2% H2O2 addition can fetched the physic and chemical characteristic as the same as with 4 and 6% H2O2 addition. This condition was considered more economically because of the cost more cheaper than the other process with more H2O2 addition. The physic and chemical analysis result of MESA from this condition are iodine value reached about 31,02 mg I2/g MES, active matter about 23,47 percent, the color about 0,52 Absorbency percent and pH reached about 7,15.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titlePengaruh Penambahan H2O2 sebagai Bahan Pemucat pada Proses Pemurnian Surfaktan MESA (Methyl Ester Sulfonates Acid) dari Jarak Pagar terhadap Sifat Fisiko Kimia Surfaktan yang Dihasilkan.en

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