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Karakteristik Reproduksi dan Perkembangan Populasi Kambing Peranakan Etawah di Lahan Pasca Galian Pasir

dc.contributor.advisorFuah, Asnath M.
dc.contributor.advisorPriyanto, Rudy
dc.contributor.authorKurniasih, Nia Nuzul
dc.description.abstractThe crossbreed of Etawah and local goats is generally called,” Peranakan Etawah (PE)” which is well adapted to the enviromental of Indonesia. These animals are also well maintained and kept by farmers as the main producers of meat and milk. The aim of this research was to study the reproductive characteristics and population dynamics of PE goats in Sumedang of West Java. This research was conducted for two months from July to August of 2011, took place in Cimalaka and Paseh subdistricts of Sumedang. Thirty six (36) farmers were purposively chosen as respondents for this study. Primary data were obtained from the farmers by interview using questionnaires, and observation was also conducted to their field to understand the animal condition and management practiced by farmers. Secondary data were collected from Sumedang livestock office and statistical report data from farmers group. Data collected were analyzed descriptively to obtain reproductive characteristics of goats. Based on the reproductive characteristics obtained, estimation was made on the population dynamics of dairy goats in Cimalaka and Paseh subdistricts. The average age of ewes at first estrus was 10,06±1,65 m and 12,89±3,86 m in Cimalaka and Paseh respectively.en
dc.description.abstractKambing Peranakan Etawah (PE) merupakan hasil persilangan antara kambing Etawah dengan kambing lokal, yang sudah beradaptasi dengan baik lingkungan Indonesia. Pada umumnya, kambing PE dipelihara oleh peternak di Jawa Barat sebagai penghasil daging dan susu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik reproduksi dan dinamika populasi kambing PE di Sumedang, Jawa Barat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan selama satu bulan yaitu dari bulan Juli sampai Agustus 2011, menggunakan metode survey ke lokasi peternakan yang ada di Kecamatan Cimalaka dan Kecamatan Paseh, Kabupaten Sumedang. Responden terdiri dari 36 orang petani peternak yang ditentukan secara purposif yaitu mereka yang memiliki ternak kambing PE, sebagai anggota kelompok tani dan bersedia untuk diwawancara.
dc.publisherIPB ( Bogor Agricultural University )
dc.subjectreproduction characteristicen
dc.subjectpopulation dynamicsen
dc.titleReproduction Characteristic and Population Dynamics of Etawah breads On Sand Post-mining Landen
dc.titleKarakteristik Reproduksi dan Perkembangan Populasi Kambing Peranakan Etawah di Lahan Pasca Galian Pasir

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