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Kajian Pengaruh Substitusi Parsial Tepung Terigu Dengan Tepung Daging Sapi Dalam Pembuatan Kreker (Crackers) Terhadap Kerenyahan dan Sifat Sensori Kreker Selama Penyimpanan.

dc.contributor.advisorPolii, B.N.
dc.contributor.advisorWulandari, Zakiah
dc.contributor.authorAzizah, Tria Nur
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to determined the effect of storage time on crispiness and sensory properties of beef meal crackers. Beef meal crackers was stored for 42 days. Variables that measured in this study were water content, water activity (aw), hardness and sensory properties (hedonic quality and hedonic test). These variables analyzed at interval storage 0, 14,28 and 42 days. The statistical test result show that the storage time did not influences the water activity hardness, but influence the water content of beef meal crackers. Means and standard deviation of water activity and hardness during storage were 0.5±O.09 and 2.01±O.1 kgf, respectively. Means and standard deviation of the water content during interval storage 0, 14,28 and 42 d (%) were 2.89±0.52; S.09±O.22; 4.72±O.30 and 4.9S±0.33, respectively. Hedonic quality test shown that storage time significantly influence the color of beef meal crackers, but did not influence its meaty aroma, rancid smell, meaty taste, umami taste and crispiness. Rancid smell had not appeared during 42 days. Sensory properties test with hedonic test (acceptability) shown that lenght of storage time did not influence the scolor, meaty aroma, smell, meaty taste, umami taste and crispiness of beef meal crackers. Acceptability rank of panels for beef meal crackers during storage at all variables was like-slightly.en
dc.description.abstractKreker (crackers) merupakan makanan ringan yang banyak digemari dan dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Kreker yang ada dipasaran biasanya memiliki kandungan nutrisi yang rendah sehingga mendorong adanya berbagai pengembangan kreker untuk meningkatkan citarasa dan nilai gizinya termasuk dengan menambahkan tepung daging dalam pembuatan kreker.IND
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectbeef mealen
dc.subjectsensory propertiesen
dc.titlePartial Substitution Influences of Wheat Flour With Beef Meal In Crackers Production To The Cracker's Crispiness and Sensory Properties During Storageen
dc.titleKajian Pengaruh Substitusi Parsial Tepung Terigu Dengan Tepung Daging Sapi Dalam Pembuatan Kreker (Crackers) Terhadap Kerenyahan dan Sifat Sensori Kreker Selama Penyimpanan.IND

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