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Penampilan Anak Babi Menyusu dari Induk dengan Ransum yang Mengandung Tepung Daun Bangun-bangun (Coleus amboinicus Lour) pada Taraf yang Berbeda.

dc.contributor.advisorSiagian, Pollung H.
dc.contributor.authorHutapea, Immeryen
dc.description.abstractBangun-bangun leaf is consider one of vegetable commonly consumed by woman during breast feeding period. It is believed that contain an active compound that increase milk production. Pig is the most prolific livestock, therefore milk production became an important issue for it can produce lots of suckling piglets while the milk production is low. Supplementing bangun-bangun leaf meal in the sow’s ration, hopefully could increase milk production. This research has been conducted from May to July 2009 at Rachel Farm, Kampung Cina, Tajur Halang Vilage, Subdistrict Tajur Halang, Bogor, West Java. The aim of this research was to study the effect of adding bangun-bangun leaf meal in the different level in sow’s ration on the performance of it’s suckling piglets. The Completely Random Design with four treatments and four replication (sow’s) was used in this research. The treatments were ration with four different levels of bangun-bangun leaf meal, namely R1=0%; R2=1,25%; R3=2,50%; and R4=3,75%. The result showed that there were no significant differences (P>0,05) in all parameters measured, such as feed consumptions, milk production, litter size of birth, birth weight, litter size of weaning, weaning weight, daily feed consumption of suckling piglets, average weight gain of suckling piglets and mortality.en
dc.description.abstractTanaman bangun-bangun (Coleus amboinicus Lour) merupakan jenis tanaman herba, yang telah lama dikenal di beberapa daerah di Indonesia. Bangunbangun ini dipercaya mampu meningkatkan produksi air susu ibu yang menyusui, terutama di daerah pulau Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan menentukan pengaruh pemberian beberapa taraf (0; 1,25; 2,5; dan 3,75%) tepung daun bangun-bangun (TDB) ke dalam ransum induk babi menyusui terhadap penampilan anak menyusu hingga penyapihan (30 hari). Peubah yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumsi ransum induk, litter size lahir, bobot lahir, produksi air susu induk (PASI) babi, mortalitas, konsumsi ransum anak, litter size sapih, bobot sapih, pertambahan bobot badan anak (PBBA) dan laju pertumbuhan anak babi menyusu.IND
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBangun-bangun leaf mealen
dc.subjectperformance of suckling pigletsen
dc.titleThe Performance of Suckling Piglets Which Feed Sows Addition With Bangunbangun Leaves Meal (Coleus amboinicus Lour) at Different Level.en
dc.titlePenampilan Anak Babi Menyusu dari Induk dengan Ransum yang Mengandung Tepung Daun Bangun-bangun (Coleus amboinicus Lour) pada Taraf yang Berbeda.IND

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