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Komposisi Kimia, Daya Cerna Protein dan Mineral Snack Ekstrusi dengan Penambahan Tepung Daging-Tulang Leher Ayam Pedaging.

dc.contributor.advisorPolii, B.N.
dc.contributor.advisorWulandari, Zakiah
dc.contributor.authorFathirunnisa, Amalia
dc.description.abstractSnack is one kind of food that can be eaten in spare time. It’s very popular among the children and adults. One kind of snack that has been very popular is extrusion snack. The main problem that can be found in snack is lack of nutrition content, especially protein. Broiler’s neck bone-meat meal is one of animal by-product that has not been optimalized yet. It has high protein and mineral content. The aim of this research was to analyze the chemical composition and protein digestibility of extrusion snack that had added by Broiler’s neck bone-meat meal. The experiment was conducted in the Department Laboratory of Animal Product and Processing Technology FAPET IPB, SEAFAST Center, and Laboratory of Chemical and Food Analysis, FEMA IPB. Experimental design used in this research was completely randomized design with broiler’s neck bone-meat meal concentration as the response with four concentration stages 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%. Data were analyzed with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) if it fulfilled the assumption. If it did not, data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis method as non parametric test. The addition of Broiler’s neck bonemeat meal didn’t give any significant influence to water content and crude fiber content. Fat, protein, calcium, phosphorus and ash content were raised by increasing the addition of Broiler’s neck bone-meat meal. The addition of Broiler’s neck bonemeat meal can complete and increase nutrition content of extrusion snack. Protein digestibility in 30% was the lowest among other. The decreasing of protein digestibility can be caused by protein conformation, anti nutrition factor, protein linkage and also food processing.en
dc.description.abstractDaging-tulang leher ayam pedaging memiliki peluang besar untuk diolah kembali menjadi produk pangan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis lebih tinggi. Kandungan protein yang terdapat dalam daging-tulang leher ayam pedaging dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi manusia. Kandungan protein yang dimiliki daging-tulang leher ayam pedaging berkisar 55-57%. Tepung daging-tulang leher ayam (TDTLA) Pedaging dapat digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan pangan yang dapat ditambahkan ke dalam pengolahan pangan. Snack ekstrusi dengan bahan dasar pati jagung memiliki kandungan nilai protein yang rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari komposisi kimia, daya cerna protein serta mineral snack ekstrusi yang telah diberi perlakuan penambahan TDTLA Pedaging. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan dan melengkapi gizi dari snack ekstrusi.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBroiler’s neck bone-meat mealen
dc.subjectextrusion snacken
dc.subjectprotein digestibilityen
dc.titleChemical Composition, Protein and Mineral Digestibility Extrusion Snack with Additional Broiler’s Neck Bone-Meat Meal.en
dc.titleKomposisi Kimia, Daya Cerna Protein dan Mineral Snack Ekstrusi dengan Penambahan Tepung Daging-Tulang Leher Ayam Pedaging.

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