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dc.contributor.advisorMulyono,Rini H.
dc.contributor.advisorTjakradidjaja,Anita S.
dc.contributor.authorPrasetia, Arif
dc.description.abstractPesisir, Bali and Peranakan Ongole (PO) cattles are Indonesian local cattles. Those cattles have a good ability to adapt to low quality feeds, traditional farming system, and are resistant to tropical diseases. Due to limitations in informations and data of production performances, their productions have not yet been developed to its potentials. Therefore, this study was carried out to obtain informations in genetic characteristic on the basis of morphometric measurements of the body size and shape of Pesisir, Bali and PO cattles. These measurements are important to obtain data about body size and shape for each cattles with its characteristics. The body parts that will be measured are withers height, hip height, body length, chest width, chest depth, hip width, thurl width, pin bones width, rump length, hearth girth and cannon circumference. Data from body linear measurement were processed on the basis of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The data were visualised in the form of group diagram. A close group of data from each cattles indicates its closeness in each cattles. Results of T2 Keywords: Local cattle, morphometric, principal component analysis. -Hotelling statistic test demonstrate differences in body linear measurements for each breed of cattles (P<0.01). The size characteristic for each breed of cattle was the same which was hearth girth. Body length was the body shape characteristic for each male Pesisir and Bali cattles. On the other hand, body height and hip height were the body shape characteristics for male PO cattles. A distance data group for male Pesisir cattle occurred from those of male Bali and PO cattles. Data group of male Bali cattle were closer to those of male PO cattleen
dc.description.abstractesisir, sapi Bali, dan sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO). Sapi-sapi tersebut dapat beradaptasi terhadap pakan berkualitas rendah, sistem pemeliharaan tradisional, dan memiliki daya tahan tinggi terhadap berbagai penyakit tropis. Potensi baik pada jenis sapi-sapi ini perlu dipertahankan beriringan dengan upaya peningkatan produktivitas melalui seleksi. Keterbatasan informasi atau data performa dan potensi biologis jenis-jenis sapi tersebut, masih menjadi kendala untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut. Pelestarian keragaman fenotipik ternak diperlukan dalam upaya mempertahankan sifat-sifat khas ternak yang dapat dimanfaatkan di masa mendatang. Salah satu cara untuk menentukan keragaman fenotipik sapi lokal Indonesia adalah dengan pengamatan morfometrik pada setiap jenis sapi lokal Indonesia. Identifikasi morfometrik sapi lokal dapat dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan ukuran dan bentuk tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi fenotipik yang berhubungan dengan karakter morfometrik tubuh sapi Pesisir, sapi Bali dan sapi PO Jantan berdasarkan Analisis Komponen Utama.
dc.subjectLocal cattleen
dc.subjectprincipal component analysis.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleStudi Ukuran dan Bentuk Tubuh Jantan Sapi Pesisir, Sapi Bali dan Sapi Peranakan Ongole.en

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