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dc.contributor.authorHerwanda, Anita Ekawati
dc.description.abstractBintaro plant is one of the vegetable oils producers which potential to be developed. Generally, crude bintaro oil from extraction process still contain impurities, which consists of three groups, which are non-soluble in oil (fat insolube and dispersed in oil), impurities in the form of colloidal suspension in oil (phospholipid, carbohydrate), impurities dissolved in oil (fat solube compound) such as free fatty acids, sterols and hydro carbon.The purification process is to remove oil impurities and improve is quality. It therefor is necessary to study the purification and characterization of oils for meet the required criteria and application standart. Oil refinery experienced three stages, which are the process of degumming, neutralization and bleaching. Degumming is the slime separation process that consist of phospolipid, proteins, carbohydrates, and waters, while the neutralization was used to separate free fatty acids and bleaching process to remove unwanted colors. The factor used in this study are phosphoric acid dose consisting of three levels: 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.5% (v/b) and consentration of NaOH solution which consist of three levels: 0.1 N, 0.3N, and 0.5N. The addition of caustic soda solution concentration had a significant impact on yield, acid number and content of free fatty acids, peroxide number, viscosity, and percent transmission. While dosage phosphoric acid had a significant impact on changes in the value of the yield, ash content, viscosity, and percent transmission. While other parameters such as saponification number, iodine number, and density of oil is not influenced by the concentration of caustic soda and phosphoric acid solution dose.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titleKajian proses pemurnian minyak biji bintaro (Cerbera Manghas L) sebagai bahan bakar nabatien
dc.title.alternativeStudy of bintaro (Cerbera Manghas L) oil purification process for biofuelen

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