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dc.contributor.authorMabruri, Ruri
dc.description.abstractThe research was conducted to get information about qualitative and quantitative characteristics on crossbreeeding local chicken between Pelung and Arab chicken (PxA). It was done based on lowness of performance local chicken in Indonesia which are correlation with lowness of protein consumption rate. Crossbred PxA chicken were expected to show better productivities performance of the crossbred chicken were grow rate, increasing body weight, and body measurements. T-test and Principal Component Analysis was used to explain crossbred PxA chicken performances.. Crossbred chicken showed a good performance potency. Males body weight were 587.33±58.93 g (10.03% of coeficient variation) and the females were 501.42±70.53 g (14.07% of coeficient variation) at the seventh weeks in ages. The body weight was showed significant difference (P<0.05) on the third week in ages between males and females crossbred PxA chicken, and very significant difference (P<0.01) at the forth till seventh week. Significant increasing body weight both of males and females crossbred PxA chicken were at the fust to second week interval. Body measurements were showed significant difference (P<0.05) for length of third finger, shank, back, and body weight at the eleventh week of ages, and very significant difference (P<0.01) for length of wings, height of comb, and height of head. The heighest variety of body measurement both of males (25.0%) and females (27.78%) at the eleventh week in ages was in length of maxilla, and the lowest variety both of them in length of third finger.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectquantitative characteristicen
dc.subjectpelung chickenen
dc.subjectarab chickenen
dc.titleKarakteristik kualitatif dan kuantitatif hasil persilangan ayam pelung dan araben

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