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dc.description.abstractLivestock sector is important especially when Indonesian nation face various crisis of endless economics because it helps to overcome this problem. Livestock sector is not only without problem, a lot of matter influence this sector to be an important sector in development. One of them is shifting job opportunity work in livestock sector. Friction of opportunity work in livestock sector at least influences perception and young men interest, one of them is effort sheep ranch. This research was done in village of Neglasari sub district od Dramaga at April 7th May 7th 2007. Design of this research is Descriptive of Correlation by 50 sponders taken in the Census.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePersepsi dan minat pemuda terhadap usaha peternakan domba (kasus pemuda desa Neglasari kecamatan Dramaga kabupaten Bogor)en

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