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dc.description.abstractTea is one of popular beverage in the world. Tea made of a young leaf sprout of tea crop (Camelia Sinensis). Pursuant to its processing process, tea product divided to become 3 type, that is green tea, oolong tea and the black tea. Black tea yielded through ferment, while oolong tea and green tea are processed without through ferment process. Tea consumer per capita per year in Indonesia still lower (250 gr/kapita/tahun) compared to a other producing country is reached 1.000 gr/kapita/tahun, so that consume domestic tea own potency to be improved. Applying Model Monitoring expected can assist in overcoming contraints that happened in course of production of black tea. Model Monitoring expected can watch production process which underway and also reognize each inappropriation in course of production of black tea. Target study of special problem is Designing Model of Monitoring production process of black tea yielded through process Crushing, Tearing and Curling (CTC).en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleDesain Model Monitoring Proses Produksi Teh Hitamen

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