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dc.contributor.authorSuherni, Susi
dc.description.abstractDairy farms have a high opportunity to be developed, but the farmers faced constraint those can be threat the sustainability of the dairy farms. During 1999- 2003, the average milk consumption per capita in Indonesia increased as much as 1.05% per year. A case study was carried out to understand the supporting and constraint factors for dairy farms development in Kebon Pedes, Bogor during May to June 2005. Thirty farmers by census and 30 people live around the farm by purposive were used as sample. Descriptive analysis, financial and milk demand forecast were used to analyze data. The farmer's average income per year was Rp 30,465,334.16 and R/C ratio was 1.93. It indicated that the dairy farm in Kebon Pedes was feasible. The supporting factors for dairy farm's development in Kebon Pedes were farmer knowledge, milk price, financial, institution, dairy cattle populatio~i and demand of milk in Bogor, which increase every year. The constraint factors are climate, land, and the environment pollution.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleFaktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat pengembangan usaha ternak sapi perah (studi kasus di Kelurahan Kebon Pedes Kecamatan tanah Sareal Kota Bogor)en

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