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dc.contributor.authorMas, Syarifah Khairunnisa
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this research are to analyze delivery system and providing control of beef materials which was applied by Badranaya Corporation Unit and also to ascertain an optimal providing wntrol method of Economics Order Quantity (EOQ) and Single ~e&d (sP). The &ult of this research shows that Badranaya Corporation Unit has not applied an optimal providing control method. Beef material delivery was not b& on the plan of corporation needs. It was because of the corporation did not make the plan to produce so that the order often much higher or lower than the needs. Based on EOQ and SP method, the amount of beef material order used to get close to the using. During January to April 2006, the calculation result for cows tongue and beef leg quarter shows that EOQ method is the alternative method which gives the highest cost retrenchment The total of providing cost retrenchment for cows tongue material is Rp 467.375,41 or 40, 8% and for beef leg quarter is Rp 10.700,03 or 45% h m total .providing cost of corporation. The highest wst retrenchment for sausage is Rp 2.61729 or 0,82% if the corporation applies SP method. Btit EOQ also SP method will give cost waste for chop material which are 16,19% and 20,84%. It is because of the corporation often does purchasing under the needs and makes average providing and also cost providing becomes low.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleOptimalisasi persediaan bahan baku produk daging sapi olahan (studi kasus pada unit usaha badranaya PT Tirta Ratna, Bandung)en

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