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dc.contributor.authorMasita, Nuni
dc.description.abstractThe chicken flesh is one of foodstuff containing a high animal protein to fi~lfiltlh e requirement of animal protein for human being. The IPB's students in beginning level in the male & female dormitory are the consumer who consumes the chicken flesh by product. The consumption pattern is a habit of the students on buying and consumption the chicken flesh by product. The result of this study was obtained that the c~nsumption'~atterno f chicken flesh by product by dormitory students was different each other. Their reason consume the chicken flesh by product was its' delicious taste. The highest consume frequency done by the dormitory students was once per day. The students in male dormitory prefer roasted chicken while the females choose the fried chicken. They both prefer the chest slice. They both prefer to buy the chicken flesh by product in shop outside the dormitory than the cafeteria in the dormitory. The main consideration for choosing the place was cleaning. The multiple linier analyses getting the result (model 2) after the recovery model level that is R~ a number of 44.6%, showing.thG a number of 44.6% model could be explained by their stipend, the price of chicken flesh by product, gender and the kind of cuisine of chicken flesh by product are the forms of independent variable observed, remains is observed by the variable not used in the model. According to the F trial result is obtained that the forth independents variables observed are existent fluencies to the chicken flesh by product consumption expense and the t variable trial result of stipend, the price of chicken flesh by product, gender and the kind of cuisine of chicken flesh are existent influences jointly to the chicken flesh by. product consumption expense. Keywords: consumption pattern, chicken flesh by product, multiple linier analyses.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAnalisis ppola konsumsi daging ayam olahan mahasiswa asrama putra dan putri TPB Institut Pertanian Bogoren

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