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dc.contributor.authorAstuti, Ningrum
dc.description.abstractSheep meat is the god source of essential amino acids and other important nutrients for human growth. However, there is a controversial myth that mutton contains cholesterol which can generate a cardiovascular disease. Sheep m& is divided into milk lamb: lamb and muttoe milk lamb is derived h m pre-weaned lamb. Lamb is derived from post-weaned lamb with age is no more than one year. Mutton is derived from adult sheep. It has been known that the younger the sheep, the lesser the lipid content of the meat And so the cholesterol content of the meat.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKandungan nutrisi dan kadar kolesterol daging domba garut masa menyusu (Milk Lamb), muda (lumb) dan dewasa (Mutton)en

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