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dc.contributor.authorApippudin, Muhammad
dc.description.abstractMeat processing is an effort to make various meat products. Chicken loaf is a modification of meat Ioaj Vegetables are important to get balance food consumption, becouse of it's nutritions contain such as provitamin A and vitamin C, calcium and iron, low calory, and fiber and natural antioksidant. That's why vegetables is very good to be added into chicken loaf: Carrot and celery will be used in this research. The aim of this research is to find out the chicken loaf physical and palatability with some level of vegetables addition. Tlie physical test is pH,. water holding capacity, emulsion stability, cooking loss, hardness and elasticity product. The organoleptic test are colour, flavour, textur, taste, elasticity and panelist acceptability. Randomized block design was used with five level treatment (0%, 5%, lo%, 15%, dan 20%) and three times processing of sample chicken loaf as the block. The physical test was analyzed using ANOVA and any significan diferences were continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The data in percentage which was less from 20% and more than 80% would be transformated to quadratic root. The organoleptic properties was analyzed using non parametric of Krusskal-Wallis. The physical characteristic result showed that the added of vegetables did not made significant differences. The organoleptic test in chicken loaf added of vegetable did not made significan differences to flavour, textur, taste and significant differences to colour and elasticity. The average panelist likes chicken loaf with 15% vegetables added. Keywords : chicken loaf, vegetables (carrot and celery)en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleSifat fisik dan organoleptik chicken loaf dengan penambahan sayuranen

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