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dc.contributor.authorMuslim, Fauzan
dc.description.abstractAvian influenza (Al) or-bird-flu-is one type of disease that caused by influenza virus. This disease first appeared in 111ilonesia on January 29Ih 2004. A1 virus attacks the respiratory system as well as the digestion and the.nerve systzms. The reappearance of certain A1 cases in the last few months made people worry about ~ettingsu ffered from this disease cause the virus had alraidy attacked hutnan and 11ad brought casualties. It makes people worried to consume eggs, chicken, arid chicken-based products. The objedtives of this research are : ( I ) identifying the characteristics the customer of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurant; (2) knowing the perception of the KFC customer about Al; (3) knowing the attitude of the KFC customers in consuming eggs, chicken, and chicken-based products; (4) deciding the correlation score between perception about Al and their attitude in consun~ing eggs, chicken. and chicken-based products.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleHubungan persepsi tentang flu burung dan sikap dalam mengkonsumsi telur dan daging ayam (kasus pada pelanggan restoran KFC Cabang MT Haryono Jakarta)en

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