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dc.contributor.authorHamdani, Dani
dc.description.abstractThe skull of primate consist of eight interdependent bones that forming skull (cranium). Eight of the bones are os frontale, os parietale, os temporale, os occipitale, os sphenoidale, os niaxilla, os mandibula, and os zygomaticus. This research target for the skull criteria of Macacn nenzestrina. Result of this research expecting can be enrich inorphology information and the ineasuremeilt of skull (craniometrics) \vhich is infortant for identification and classification of Indonesian Macacu r~erizesfritin. This research was carried out from Mei to August 2004 at the Laboratory of Aninla1 Breeding and Genetics, Faculty of Aili~nal Husbandry, Bogor Agricultural Uni\,ersity. Material used \\'ere 1 I skull of male Maccrca neritestrinrr. Equipments used \\.ere measuring tape and measuring scale. Measurelne~its were carried out for length of os .fiontc/le: height and length of os parietale, height and length of os teriiporale, length and width of os occipitale, height and length of os sphenoidale, height and width of os nicrsilla~ height and length of os mandibula, length of os zygornnticzrs, length of skull, 11igl1 of skull, and wide of skullen
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKraniometri beruk (Macaca nemestrina)en

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