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dc.contributor.authorZakiyurrahman, Ahmad
dc.description.abstractStorage of egg at low temperature between 6 up to 10°C in refiigerator expected can postponed of water and carbondioxyda's evaporation and also the biochemical reaction in egg so that the egg remaine to have good functional value and quality. Postponement of egg shaked after released h m refrigerator (preheating time) anticipated also have an effect on to foaming and foam stability. This research was conducted to know influence of chicken's egg which stored in refrigerator and preheating time before shaked. This research used factorial complete random design. The fist factor was duration of the time storage of egg that was 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks. Second factor was preheating time that was 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 hours. The parameter perceived are foaming and foam stability of albumen, and also the foaming factors. Data obtained to be analysed by analysis of varian Ln other, this research also was conducted perception to egg wight degradation percentage and high of thick albumen.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleSifat fisik dan fungsional telur ayam ras yang disimpan di dalam refrigerator dengan lama penyimpanan dan waktu preheating yang berbedaen

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