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dc.contributor.authorFatmawin, Dwi Nursinta
dc.description.abstractPelung chicken is one of Indonesian local chicken, which have spesific traits mainly on male chicken. It have long voice, beautiful and spesific rhytme. It also have heavy body weight and a potential income as chicken meat type. The aimed of this research was to collect information of Pelung's reproductivities in subdistrict Cibeber and Gekbrong, in Cianjur district. The research was conducted in June up to the end of September 2006. Data was collected from 289 heads of Pelung chicken and had been analyzed by using student test.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleSifat-sifat reproduksi ayam pelung di kecamatan Cibeber dan kecamatan Gekbrong Cianjur, Jawa Baraten

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