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dc.contributor.advisorSumantri, Cece
dc.contributor.advisorAnggraeni, Anneke
dc.contributor.authorSukmawati, Tifanny
dc.description.abstractGene Pit-1 or POU1F1 or GHF1 is identified as the pituitary specific transcription factor that regulates the expression of the growth hormone (GH) and Prolactin (PRL) genes in the anterior pituitary. This study was aimed to identify polymorphism of the Pit1|Hinf1 gene from the collected DNA extraction by using Polymerase Chain Reaction – Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. A total of 89 dairy cattles, were used from BIB Lembang (17 hds), BBIB Singosari (32 hds), and BET Cipelang (40 hds). A totally number of 37 beef cattle that were used for a comparison, namely Simmental (12 hds), Limousin (14 hds), Angus (5 hds), and Brahman (5 hds) from BET Cipelang. Three genotypes were indentified, namely AA (611 bp), AB (611 bp, 367 bp, 244 bp) and BB (367 bp, 244bp), genotypes resulting two alleles namely A and B alleles. The frequency of the B allele was higher than that of A allele (B=0.625-0.794 vs A=0.206-0.375); meanwhile in beef cattle the frequencies of these two alleles were diverse by breeds. The Pit1 gene in dairy cattle and beef cattle of Simmental and Limousin was in an equilibrium (χ2calculation<χ2table), while those for Angus and Brahman could not be analized. The highest heterozygosity value of dairy cattle was found in population BET Cipelang, while in beef cattle the highest one was in Brahman. The conclusion was that Pit1|Hinf1 gene in HF cattle from BIB Lembang, BBIB Singosari, and BET Cipelang; as well as beef cattle from BET Cipelang were polymorphic.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectPit1 geneen
dc.subjectPCR –RFLPen
dc.subjectgenetic polymorphismen
dc.titleIdentifikasi Keragaman Gen Pituitary Specific Positive Transcription Factor1 (Pit1|Hinf1) pada Sapi Friesian Holstein di BIB Lembang, BBIB Singosari, dan BET Cipelangen

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