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dc.contributor.advisorMoh. Yamin
dc.contributor.advisorDuldjaman, Maman
dc.contributor.authorIswahyudi, Mawas
dc.description.abstractJonggol local sheep is very potential to be developed at Jonggol Animal Science Teaching and Research Unit (JASTRU). The sheep have been well adapted to marginal environments including hot and dry weather, ectoparasites, and limited feed supply. However their growth rate performances still vary among the sheep. It is therefore selection needs to be conducted to get fast growing sheep. Daily gain was used as a standard of differing fast growing sheep and slow growing sheep. Sheep with daily gain above 100gr/head/day was categorized as fast growing sheep and daily gain under 80gr/head/day as the slowing group. The results show that shoulder height, body length, chest circumference, upper neck circumference, lower neck circumference, head length, and mouth circumference were significantly higher at fast growing sheep than slow growing group. Similar results were found that circumference of right foreleg and left upper hind leg, and circumference of hind pastern either at left or right sides were significantly higher at fast growing sheep than slow growing group. This may indicate that the parameters can be used as selection criteria for fast growing sheep. and the parameters can be used as selection criteria to obtain fast growing sheep. On the contrary, chest depth, neck length, tail length, circumference of left foreleg and right upper hind leg, and circumference of neck to thoracic limb and hind pastern either at left or right sides were similar between the two groups of sheep, indicating the three parameters might not be used as the selection criteria. Almost all parameters had positive correlation between one and the other parameters especially daily gain.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleStudi Morfometrik Domba Lokal Jantan Di Unit Pendidikan Dan Penelitian Peternakan Jonggol Sebagai Kriteria Seleksien

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