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dc.contributor.advisorLucia Cyrilla E.N.S.D.
dc.contributor.advisorMaheswari, Rarah Ratih Adjie
dc.contributor.authorMulyani, Ridha
dc.description.abstractFood safety is very important point in the food production. Milk is a natural source food with high nutrient content, but has a characteristic as perishable product and a good medium for the growth of microorganism. Pasteurization is one of method for prolong the shelf life time of product. The purpose of pasteurization is to destroy pathogen bacteria without affecting the taste, flavor, and nutritional value. High quality milk product must be considered from farm, during processing up to final product. That can get from quality of raw material and processing of milk pasteurized. The aim of this apprentice concern to study of quality pasteurized milk in processing milk unit PT D-Farm Agriprima. Based on the results of testing raw milk as raw material on processing milk pasteurized showed that had normal color, smale and taste, alcohol test is negative, density 1,030 g/cm3 , fat 3,32% , protein 3,51%, degree of acidity 8,19oSH, TPC 1x103,38 CFU/ml, Salmonella dan E.coli are negative, lead (Pb) <0,048 ppm dan zinc (Zn) 4,18 ppm. The result test of final produk with vanilla flavor showed that had normal color, smale and taste, fat 2,39%, Solid non Fat 13,8%, protein 2,78%, TPC <10 CFU/ml, Coliform <3 MPN/ml, arsen (As) <0,003 ppm, lead (Pb) <0,055 ppm, copper (Cu) 0,04 ppm dan zinc (Zn) 1,75 ppm. Quality of raw milk and final product were analyzed using fishbone diagram (causal diagram) to determine the factors that will influence it. The factors were categorized into four main factors, there are material, human resources, method and environment. From this main factors can be found detailed factors that will be effects the quality of raw milk and pasteurized milk. The great factors that affect the quality of raw milk are the lactation cow (nation, genetic and conditions), food (quality and quantity), milking (procedures and sanitation), employees (sanitation and discipline) and environment hygiene. The great factors that affect the quality of pasteurized milk are the raw material (quality), processing production, testing the quality of final product (physical, chemical, microbiological), employees (sanitation and discipline) and environment hygiene.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKajian Mutu Produk Susu Pasteurisasi Di Unit Pengolahan Susu Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogoren

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