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dc.contributor.authorSetioningsih, Shely Septiana
dc.description.abstractSHELY SEPTIANA SETIONINGSIH. Analysis of Parental Fungtion and Family’s Interaction to Marrital Quality and Child’s Conditions at Family of Migran Woman Workers. Family of Migran Woman Workers are faced disorganitation with condition that family members, especially children are separated from their mother. The separateness has consequences in changing family structure dan function of parenting. Moter have an important role in children change as main bread winner. The aim of this study was to analyze the determinant factors of marriage quality and children conditions (social competence, stress, and achievement at school) at family of Migran Woman Worker. The study was conducted at Cikahuripan, Cisolok, and Cikelat Village, Sukabumi, West Java Province in Mei 2009. The study implemented cross sectional study and retrospective study as a study design. The sample of family were chosen purposively from the chosen location. The total sample was 47 family of migrant woman workers who have school age’s child. The study used descriptive and inferensia (Corelation Rank Spearman, Independent sample t-test, and Multivariate regression) analysis that obtain from primary data (questionnaire), in-depth interview, and secondary data. The results found out that average of family income when wife as migrant woman worker were three times as many as before wife became migrant woman worker. However, more than half of children have medium stress category and low achievement at school. Three-fourth of sampeles have high marriage quality The interactions between father and child and interaction between husband and wife have positive affects to marriage quality. The length of the wife as migrant has negative affects to child’s conditions (social competence, stress, and achievement at school). However, income has significant and positive effect on the conditions of child, especially achievement because income family could afford to give facilities for study. Key words: Parenting, Family’s Interaction, Marrital Quality, Child’s Condition, Migran Woman Workersid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAnalisis fungsi pengasuhan dan interaksi dalam keluarga terhadap kualitas perkawinan dan kondisi anak pada keluarga tenaga kerja wanita (TKW) (Kasus di Kecamatan Cisolok, Kabupaten Sukabumi)id

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